St Andrew's C of E (VA) Primary


Hannukah Week

11th December- Hanukkah Week

This week in Nursery we explored the Jewish festival of Hanukkah and channelled all our creative energies into making dreidels (with a fantastic use of them in our mathematics learning), exploring Latke potato cakes, hearing the story of Hanukkah (with a little help from Sesame Street’s Monica Hanukkah), counting our gelt and much more.

We were also very lucky to have Mrs Curtis come and give us a very exciting talk about the festival and how she celebrates it with her family.  We had some latkes and doughnuts and revisited the traditional story, and even learned a new song – ‘Dreidel Driedel, Dreidel’.  Thank you Mrs Curtis for kindly giving us some of your time to share your Hanukkah experiences with us!