St Andrew's C of E (VA) Primary



This term, Year 4 have been learning about Judaism. Our big question is 'What symbols and stories help Jewish people remember their covenant with God?'.

Over the course of the term, the children learnt different stories from the Torah and what they mean for Jewish people today.

This week, we were really lucky to have a visitor from the Stevenage Liberal Synagogue!

Mrs Lederman gave the class a talk about all things Judaism. They were able to try challah bread, which was a big hit. Many children were also given the opportunity to try on a tallit and kippah.

Today, we had our own Pesach (Passover) celebration. The class took part in a seder meal, trying unleavened bread, karpas (celery dipped in salt water), horseradish, haroset (an apple mixture), and 'wine'. 


Wishing everyone a restful half term.